Through the drawing that I created, I have discovered that eyebrows are very important in expressing feelings in Persepolis. This drawing was a scene from Twelfth Night where Malvolio dresses up in the yellow leggings and wears a kilt. I chose this scene from Twelfth Night because I consider it the most comical part of the play. I tried to make sure that the panel transitions were meaningful and effective. Also, I tried to make the audience looking at the picture to understand the words say, just like Satrapi does with her writing. The way I this was by making Olivia's shirt lose a flower in every panel. The color also played a big effect into my comic as it was black and white, just like Satrapi's style. Finally, the eyebrows. The eyebrows play a key part in how Satrapi explains how the characters feel in Persepolis and that is why I chose to make the eyebrows thick. Overall, I have learned that the words spoken in Persepolis have no meaning unless the pictures are understood.
I agree with you, David.
ReplyDeleteThe key factor in a grphic novel is the drawings. I think the readers pay more attention to the pictures than to the words, because they express the elements in a story better than text. Also it works better as a hook more than texts.